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TC Measurement & Control, Inc.

News Aerograde™ Surface Temperature Sensor

A breakthrough in surface temperature measurement from TC Inc.

Widely used in the aerospace industry for dynamic testing of composite structures, the innovative Aerograde™ cement-on thermocouple from TC is a lightweight surface temperature sensor, ideally suited to any application where an extremely fast response to changes in temperature is required.

A class 1 thermocouple is embedded between two paper thin, glass reinforced, polymer laminates which are then kiln fired to make a sensor measuring just 12 x 20 x 0.013mm. The Aerograde™ sensor provides millisecond responses and high dielectric strength combined with a very low thermal mass and physical profile.
These stick-on sensors are available in types K, T, J and N thermocouples (to IEC 584.2 Class 1), they feature Kapton® insulated leads and have a temperature range of -250 to +370°C (short term, continuous use up to 300°C).

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