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Type R Thermocouple - Technical Information

Type R - Platinum-13% Rhodium vs Platinum, IEC 60584-1

Thermocouple Type R is similar to the Type S combination, this thermocouple has the advantage of slightly higher output and improved stability. In general Type R thermocouples are preferred over Type S, and applications covered are broadly identical.

Type R Thermocouples - Typical Constructions and Styles

Type R Mineral Insulated
Mineral Insulated Type R ThermocouplesRugged sensors, ideal for most applications. Vast choice of terminations e.g. pot seals, cables, connectors, heads etc.
Type R Thermocouples for use in Vacuum Applications Type R Thermocouples for vacuum use Ceramic sheathed calibrated thermocouples designed specifically in vacuum furnace applications with very low leak rates Type R Miniature
iniature Type R ThermocouplesIdeal for precision temperature measurements where minimal displacement and a fast response is required.
Type R Heavy Duty
Heavy Duty Type R ThermocouplesFor industrial applications such as furnaces, kilns, ovens, boilers, flues etc. Many types of sheath material available.
ATEX/IECEx Approved
Type R Thermocouples
ATEX Approved Type R ThermocouplesA large range of thermocouples with a variety of terminations such as pot seal, terminal heads etc.

Type R - Technical Data

Conductor Combination Approximate generated
EMF change in µV
per ºC change
(referenced to 0ºC) at:
Approximate Working
Temperature Range
Initial Calibration Tolerances to ASTM E-230
(whichever is greater)
Thermocouple Output Tolerances
to IEC 60584-1
+ Leg - Leg 100ºC 500ºC 1000ºC ºF ºC Standard Special Type Class 1 Class 2 Class 3
8 10 13 32 to 2700 0 to 1480 ±1.5 or ±0.25% ±0.6 or ±0.1% Temperature Range
Tolerance Value
Temperature Range
Tolerance Value
0°C to +1100°C
1100°C to 1600°C
±(1 +0.003 (t ⋅ 1100)°C
0°C to +600°C
600°C to 1600°C
±0.0025 ⋅ |t|

1. The tolerance is expressed either as a deviation in degrees Celsius or as a function of the actual temperature.
2. Thermocouple materials are normally supplied to meet the tolerances specified in the table for temperatures above –40 deg C. These materials however, may not fall within the tolerances for low temperatures given under Class 3 for Types T, E and K thermocouples. If thermocouples are required to meet limits of Class 3, as well as those of Class 1 and/or Class 2, the purchaser should state this, as selection of materials is usually required.

Thermocouple Wire Color Codes for R Type Thermocouples

ANSI MC96.1 United StatesInternational Color Code
to IEC 60584-3
Redundant national colors
Thermocouple Grade Extension Grade BS 1843 DIN 43714
-ANSI MC96.1 Type R ExtensionIEC60584-3 Type R ThermocoupleBS1843 Type R Thermocouple-

Please click here for all thermocouple wire color codes.

Free Guide to Thermocouple and Resistance Thermometry